Jelly Fish Study 2010

On a sunny afternoon, I spent 4 hours lying on the Choquers’ dock watching the jelly fish float by resulting in over 200 pictures.  Here are the ones I found most intriguing.

Jelly Fish #83

Jelly Fish #88

Jelly Fish #93 Between the Dock and A Hard Place


Amazingly these creatures are translucent.

Jelly Fish #101

Jelly Fish #113

Jelly Fish #114


Magnifying lenses come to mind.

Jelly Fish #116

Jelly Fish #130

Jelly Fish #131

Movements are graceful as they float around the water.

Jelly Fish #132

Jelly Fish #133

Jelly Fish #138

Expansion and subtraction are some of the motions as they propel themselves forward onto their next destination.

Jelly Fish #139

Jelly Fish #142

Jelly FIsh #145

Reflections of the boats add intrigue to the photography.

Jelly Fish #148

Jelly Fish #150

Jelly Fish #160

Swarming in groups throughout the ocean they can be seen as white or pink splotches.

Jelly Fish #163

Jelly Fish #165

Jelly Fish #175

Individuals, all different from one to the next and from the one before.

Jelly Fish #179

Jelly Fish #190

Jelly Fish #205

Immediately attend to stings as I hear they can be quite painful.

Jelly Fish #206

Jelly Fish #207

Jelly Fish #211

Pinkish jelly fish are more poisonous than the white ones, or so I’ve been told.

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