Graphics 1 – MDIA 1140 – September 10 to December 10, 2012 – Instructor: Linda Coe

Course description

Fundamental graphic design techniques are necessary for production of projects for both the print media and multimedia/webpage design. The course includes both lecture time and lab time in areas of design elements and principles, typography, colour, page layout, corporate identities, advertisement, and brochure production. All design areas will be related to both print and multimedia/webpage production. This is NOT a computer-based course.

Course learning outcomes / competencies

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Identify and make use of graphic design principles.
  • Evaluate and use design elements.
  • Develop research and analysis skills.
  • Demonstrate the use of graphics arts techniques.
  • Create a logo and corporate identity.
  • Demonstrate the basics of typography and colour.
  • Use format and layout techniques, grids.
  • Create a 4-page brochure.
  • Make an interesting presentation.

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